The Ark @ Saint Mark 

Catholic Homeschool Co-op 

Co-op Registration for 2023-2024 is open!


Purpose: We will continue to build strong Catholic families as we support and encourage each other along our homeschool journeys. We will offer social, spiritual, and educational opportunities for the glory of God and out of love for our children.

What: The Ark Catholic Co-op will offer a rotation of three 30 minute enrichment classes. 

When: 9:30 - 11:30 am with the option to picnic and play afterward; usually 2 Fridays per month (see calendar -- Co-op days are YELLOW)

Where: St. Mark (Argyle) RE building and playground

Who: Families must have at least one kindergarten or older homeschooled child. If you do not have any children that age yet but are interested in homeschool life, we invite you to attend field trips, park dates, and other special events!

We have a limit of 20 families to maintain our close-knit community. If needed, a waitlist will be created and families will be added when possible.

*We are food allergy conscious and have policies in place to make sure food is well contained and that more common allergens (peanuts, some dairy) are not present. Our policy can be found here. Please ask if you are in need of accomodations. 


Age groups: 

Rotation (view possible schedule here): 

A nursery is provided for newborn-3 year olds during co-op classes. Children in nursery will participate in learning opportunities as able.

Mom (or Dad!) must stay and participate in some capacity. You will indicate your role preference during registration. All must be current in Safe Environment training in the Fort Worth Diocese. Training opportunities can be found here.


Cost per family, per year:

$25 -- Supply fee
(Financial assistance available)

New this year!
Each family will also commit to providing the supplies for the S.T.E.M. activities for one co-op. You'll have lots of options, lots of help, and lots of fun!

Supply fee due by August 1.

All members have the option to purchase an Ark t-shirt priced at $15-$20 per shirt. A t-shirt order will take place in August if there is sufficient interest.

Our group communicates through a private Facebook page. You can request to join here.

GroupMe is used for co-op specific communication, and you will be added to the Ark group when registration is complete.

Our mission is to support and encourage one another as Catholic homeschoolers. 

Check out Cause of Our Joy, a moms' group for any Catholic mothers in the North Texas Area.